Sunday, November 1, 2020

Why you should read “the cay"

                 “ Get a move on! Passengers into the boats!”

Tins of lubricating oil in the afterholds had ignited and were exploding and then ..... Don’t you want to know what happens next? Well if you want to then I highly recommend you read, ” The Cay”, by Theodore Taylor.  The Cay is a book about a blind  boy that gets stranded on a raft with an African man called Timothy. Despite how different they are, Philip,the boy, then realises he depends on Timothy to survive and is in great danger without him. Overall I think this is an exceptional and very interesting book and it teaches people how to survive alone and kind of helpless. I think people  ten or over  should read it.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Vrushti- Why we should not cut down trees

Three main reasons why we should not cut trees

-Trees give us oxygen and we need oxygen to breath

-By cutting down trees many animals are losing their homes 

- we need trees for lots of other things like fruit

Intro: If you cut a tree, you kill a life. If you save a tree, you save a life.If you plant a tree you plant a life.” The quotes master said. You're probably  wondering what I’m talking about. Well i'll tell you Trees have lives and they give us a lot. But in return we do nothing but cut  them down   . Let's stop this horrific behaviour because by doing this you are reducing the amount of oxygen in the world, lots of animals are losing their homes and we need trees for lots of other things like fruit. I am absolutely certain that we should not cut down trees and by the end of this speech you will too.  

Paragraph 1- oxygen

 Oxygen. It’s something that we all need right.  Well, guess what trees are what provide us with this important substance. If we cut down all the trees then there will be no oxygen. No oxygen means no humans because without oxygen we can not breathe. And it's not just humans but the entire earth would change if there was no oxygen because the earth's crust or the ozone layer is made up of 45% oxygen and if there was no oxygen the ground would crumble and crumble until there was nothing left sending you and everyone on the planet into a free-fall. That's not all, there are a lot more side effects, for example, lots of people will get sunburns, the sky would go dark and I could keep going on but I’ll stick with these for now so in short form the entire earth would be completely destroyed.

paragraph 2- animals

Another reason why we should not cut down trees is that lots of animals live on trees and by cutting down trees they are losing their homes. .  Over 50 000 species are extinct every year due to deforestation. And over 80 000 species are endangered  like tigers, rhinos, and elephants.While their habitats are under constant threat .And some  scientists estimate that in 25 years time 10% of the world's species will die out. All of this is happening because we are cutting down trees. Imagine if your home was cut down by careless people. The next time you use paper, think about those poor homeless animals. 


Paragraph3-  other stuff

The last reason why we should not cut down trees is because trees provide us with things we need like nutritions from fruit.. Imagine a burning hot day and you are not allowed to go inside. What are you going to do? Well I don’t know  about you but I would find a tree to sit under and that's another reason why we should not cut down trees because they give you shade and prevent sunburns. Like I said before, think about yourself when you use paper. Would you rather have a horrible sunburn or stop using paper.


 Now that I have given my reasons, you can see why we should stop cutting down trees.Its vital that we stop this unforgivable habit. We’re reducing oxygen, ruining animals' homes and we're just making the world a horrible place. If you're using paper use it wisely. We don’t want to waste the earth's source and power. 


How to write and present a good speech

              How to write and present a good speech 

Don’t you just hate writing speeches. Was your speech just a disaster last year. Did you talk too fast? Did you forget to use hand gestures and make eye contact? Did you choose a topic where you couldn’t find enough information? Well I am sure after reading my tips on how to write and present a good speech your speech will be amazing.

1.Choose a good topic:

Choosing a good topic is important because if your topic is not interesting the audience will get bored and not pay attention. It has to be easy to write about so you can find lots of facts.


Your speech has to be logically organized into paragraphs with an effective introduction and conclusion that state your three main points. And your three main paragraphs have to include lots of information. You can also include quotes anywhere.

3. Language and Content:

Your speech has to have a message and it has to be original,interesting, and most importantly relevant to the audience.You have to use powerful words. Also you can use some language features like repetition and alliteration.

You have to use some hand gestures,stand still and make eye contact with the audience. Engage the audience in your speech and use some humor.Your voice has to be clear. Don’t go too fast or too slow.


I hope after reading my tips you will do good in your speech.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020


The dainty queen's pet a cute, rare fox brightly wakes up to see a new animal a great, hungry, jumping zebra in a van.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Why popcorn pops

Why popcorn pops

Popcorn is a delicious snack but have you ever wondered how and why it pops, well you are in luck because in this informative text you will learn how piquant popcorn pops.


paragraph 1-hard shell 
A popcorn kernel (or seed) is corn, but not the regular corn we would eat at a barbecue. It is a different species (type) of corn. A kernel is a small seed, the outside part is called a hull. The hull is a hard shell that protects the seed. 

Paragraph2-the pop
As the popcorn is heated, the water turns into steam, which builds pressure inside the kernel. When the hull can no longer contain the pressure POP!  the kernel explodes, and a fluffy new piece of popcorn is born

Paragraph 3-inside the hull
Inside the hull, there are many things to learn. The white stuff inside the popcorn kernel is actually starch. That bit is also called the endosperm. It is the seeds fuel.  Beneath that is the germ where it feeds on the endosperm. So that is how it will grow into a plant. 

Popcorn is basically steam rushing out where it pops and grows into popcorn. When it pops it is the sound of steam shooting out of the kernel. Next time, before you eat popcorn, study how all of the science works. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Compare and contrast map

physical change definition

Physical change

Physical change is when you change the shape of an object but can usually change the thing back to how it was before.

An example of physical change is when you turn paper into an airplane 

After video

After watching the video I have learned that physical change is when you take an object like paper do something with it like fold it or crumple it but it still stays the same because it is still paper, the form was changed but the substance stayed the same

Examples of physical change
Folding paper
Shredding paper
Turning paper into different shapes
Cutting vegetables/fruits
Grating things
Mixing things 

Melting an ice cube 

Tiger description

Royal,ferocious,regal,striped,unpredictable,tigers.  Large predators need to be able to sneak up on their prey, and the tiger's distinctive coat acts as camouflage, hiding them as they stalk prey in dense vegetation. No two tigers have the same stripes, enabling individuals to be identified by their unique pattern of stripes. Tigers use their body weight to knock prey to the ground and kill with a bite to the neck. They are also very good swimmers and have been known to drown their prey.  Tigers could spend days swimming; it is one of their most loved activities. They also like to roam free in their territories, who are very huge. They can spend entire days patrolling their territory. The White spots on the backs of their ears are sometimes thought to function as "eyes" to ward off potential attackers from the rear. Another theory is that they help tiger cubs follow their mothers through tall grass. Tigers have an average sense of smell, they have excellent night vision and they have pretty good hearing. Royal,ferocious,regal,striped,unpredictable,tigers.