Monday, October 28, 2019

Why are lions endangered explanation

Paragraph 1-Intro
The lion is a species in the family Felidae.
Lions are magnificent creatures that are from the  They are endangered and very soon going to be extinct if we don’t act quickly. There are many reasons why. 

paragraph 2 - description
Lions are muscular, deep-chested cats with short, rounded heads, reduced necks, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of their tails.  The colour of lions can be town, gold, blonde or brown .  Male lions are larger than  females weighing as much as five men or about 550 pounds (250 kilograms). The more slender lionesses usually weighs about as much as 400 pounds  (180 kilograms).

Paragraph 3-habitat loss
One of the main reasons that lions are endangered is because of habitat loss. Lion habitats are being destroyed. Wild lands are being used by humans to create farms, land for housing, roads, shops and to grow crops,humans are pushing lions out of their  habitats for their own use.  People also destroy the trees that lions rely on for shelter and kill their food sources. This doesn’t help the lion and then it will have nothing to eat, collapsing their food chain. Lions will have nothing to eat and will eventually reach a point when they get extinct. 

Paragraph 4-killing
In 1880 there were estimated to be 1.2 million lions but it has declined rapidly. Another one of the many reasons why lions are endangered  is because of killing. People are killing lions for their fur to make fluffy coats and jumpers. This is obviously not helping since they are already endangered. They also use lion's teeth and claws to make jewellery which are sold in asian countries. Some farmers kill lions if they go into  their property so they don't kill their animals. 

Paragraph 5= conclusion
Lions are endangered not because of their predators not because of their  enemies but only because of us humans .Lions never try to harm or kill us. So why are we harming them?  Please let them live in peace and enjoy their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Vrushti!!!!!!!! I really like how you described what a lion looks like and why they are in endanger. I think maybe next time you need to write in your writing goals, by starting of with WALT, so we know what they are.👍
    FRom your dear friend Tanisha
